Notice of Intent Various Roadway Maintenance Projects

In accordance with the second paragraph of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 131, Section 40, all residents of the Town of Becket are hereby notified of the following:

A Bundled Notice of Intent under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act has been filed with the Becket Conservation Commission for various roadway maintenance projects to be completed by the Becket Department of Public Works. The projects submitted under this Bundled Notice of Intent are routing maintenance projects which occur near wetland resource areas, riverfront areas and/or floodplain areas.

Additional information regarding the type of projects included and specific sites for work included are available in the Bundled Notice of Intent. The Bundled Notice of Intent may be reviewed at the office of the Conservation Commission at Becket Town Hall.

Note: Notice of the pubic hearing including its date, time and place, will be posted in the Town Hall not less than one week in advance and in a local newspaper.

Note: You may also contact your local Conservation Commission or the nearest Department of Environmental Protection Regional Office for more information about this application or the Wetlands Protection Act. To contact DEP Western Region call: 413- 784-1100